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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm (Raid) (Renewal of Ro)
Race Human
Level 133▲▲▲ Tier 14 Epic x4
Location Mouth of Prexus ( -162, -38, -13 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

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Raaijs Viruniq, the Rath'Mana High Priest, is a T3 raid boss.


  • 118 Flurry Avoidance
  • 337 Ability Doublecast Avoidance
  • 9194 Resolve


  • This fight has a hard time limit of 45 minutes.
  • Raaijs starts the fight with an element of flames pet which increases his damage.
  • Raaijs casts Focused Bolt, an incurable curse, on his target (usually the main tank). This curse instantly kills the target unless they have an elemental resist of 2,400,000 or higher.
  • Raaijs casts Flame Kissed, a curable curse, on all healers simultaneously. If the curse expires, or if the curse is self-cured, then the entire raid is killed.
  • Raaijs casts Flames of Rath'Mana, a curable elemental that deals increasing elemental damage and increases incoming elemental damage.
  • Raaijs casts Memory Cinders I, a curable elemental that deals growing damage over time.
  • Raaijs casts Fanatical Ritual, a curable trauma that deals increasing physical damage over time.
  • Raaijs casts Ritual of Zeal, a curable trauma that increases all incoming physical damage by 50%.
  • At 75%, Raaijs summons a ring of fire around the entire raid [What does the ring of fire do?]. The ring disappears when Raaijs reaches 10%.
  • Raaijs begins the fight with a buff called The Night's Eye which enhances his offense and defense as well as triggers a powerful damage proc. This can be dispelled, though it reapplies as long as any Eye of Night wards are active. There are 5 wards around the island, which respawn throughout the fight.
  • Raaijs does not cast any form of Barrage; Bulwark of Order can be used as a simple debuff.