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EverQuest 2 Wiki
Ra'Zhish the Steam Lord

Ra'Zhish the Steam Lord

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Najena's Hollow Tower (The Shadow Odyssey)
Race Efreeti
Level 53-Scales▲▲▲ with player level Solo
Location The steam engine room one level 1 down from the top of the tower spiral ( -185, -113, 111 ) Copy
Reported Drops
Respawn Timer None
Placeholder None
Resistances Stoneskin prevents all damage and replenishes health when water rises to full level
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?


Ra'Zhish is a straight burn-down save for his special event. When he emotes, the water in the tank will rise and he will gain Stoneskin, preventing all damage. If the water reaches the top, Ra'Zhish will begin to rapidly regenerate health until he is 100% once again.

To prevent this, both valves at the opposite ends of the tank must be turned. It is best to place one player at each valve and task them with turning them whenever they become clickable. Ranged attachers or those with pets may lend aid to the tank, who will concentrate on burning down the mob. Attackers should not waste combat arts, skills, or timed buffs while Ra'Zhish is in Stoneskin.

Some players report that the mob will break if you pull him to a valve, while others have had no difficulties with this technique. It seems universally reported that he can be safely pulled to the top of the stairs leading out of the water tank.
