EverQuest 2 Wiki
Quartermaster Zrek

Quartermaster Zrek

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Faction Merchant
Race Droag
Zone Skyshrine: The Forbidden City of Dracur (LU63)
Location Tozzkalem, the Grand Emporium in the Covenant District ( 46, 0, -297 ) Copy

Faction Merchant[]

Takes Dozekar Heads in exchange for gear, house items, or "surprise crates".

Items for sale Dozekar's Head Price Faction needed Faction
Armwraps of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Axe of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Barbute of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Blue Draconic Bench 36g
Bracers of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Breastplate of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Boots of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Bracers of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Breeches of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Cap of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Chestguard of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Coif of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Footguards of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Gloves of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Handguards of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Hauberk of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Legguards of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Mantle of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chainlink Wristguards of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chestplate of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Chestwrap of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Claws of Veeshan Standard 60g
Cloth Boots of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Cloth Cap of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Cloth Gloves of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Counter of Draconic Alchemy Goods 36g
Covenant District Merchant Station 36g
Cuffs of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Dagger of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Draconic Brazier 36g
Enduring Drakiz Head Statue 36g
Fabled Crate of Endless Plunder 1 12g +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Footwraps of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Garb of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Gauntlets of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Gavel of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Greaves of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Handwraps of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Headwrap of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Helm of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Armguards of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Boots of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Bracers of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Cap of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Gloves of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Leggings of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Leather Tunic of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Legplates of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Legwraps of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Mantle of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Pantaloons of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Pennant of Skyshrine Loyalty 100p 84c
Plate Bracers of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Plate Vambraces of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Plated Gloves of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Sabatons of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Short Spear of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Staff of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Standard of the Crusaders 60g
Statue of The Wurm Mother 1p
Tonlets of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Vambraces of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Weighted Mace of Dracurion Conquest 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)
Wristwraps of Greater Skyshrine 1 12p +50,000 Claws of Veeshan (Faction)