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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Miscellaneous
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone starting zone needed!
How to Start Acquire a Festive Sparkler from any Ember Merchant for 10c. Speak with A Fireworks Coordinator

What does this information mean?


  • It's suggested that you turn off Flora in Options -> Display, as it makes it much easier to see the fireworks launchers.
  • The Festive Fireworks quests can be found in Gorowyn, Kelethin, Neriak, New Halas, Freeport and the Qeynos Capitol District.
  • The fireworks you must light look like bottles that you can interact with by clicking on them. They are found all over the city, close to the NPCs fr the event. Players with good resolution should find them easy to spot.


celebration fireworks

An example of a Scorched Sky celebration fireworks launcher

Before you begin this quest you must buy a Festive Sparkler from any Sparkler Merchant or Ember Merchant (only 10 copper) or the NPC won't offer the quest. The NPCS are by The Claymore Plaza in the Qeynos Capital District.

  1. The local fireworks coordinator noticed that I have a festive sparkler, and asked if I would like to help set off some of the fireworks in the city.
  2. Light celebration fireworks in the area around the celebrants (0/10).

When you light the last one the quest will autocomplete. It is repeatable.


A choice of one of the following:
