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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Eidolon Jungle  (AA)
Introduced Chains of Eternity
Journal Level 92 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Eidolon Jungle more
How to Start Veris Windcall
part of: The Eidolon Jungle Timeline
Preceded by:
Shore Defense
Followed by:
Emergency Exit

What does this information mean?


  1. Head to the southern camp ( -16, -6, 487 ) Copy and slay 8 lizardmen - Tsol Ew huntsmen, mistwatchers and ritualists update.
  2. Return to Veris
  3. Veris has asked me to help transport supplies to the new southern camp. I need to help them get set up before I can press further into the area.
    1. Drop off the forge first... it's the heaviest ( 26, -5, 502 ) Copy
    2. Drop off the healers' mats ( 24, -5, 491 ) Copy
    3. Drop off the barrels ( 18, -5, 512 ) Copy
    4. Drop off the crate ( 16, -5, 485 ) Copy
  4. Veris has asked me to help transport supplies to the new southern camp. I need to help them get set up before I can press further into the area.
    • Speak to Veris Windcall17, -5, 500 ) Copy at the new camp


  • At least 1p 25g
  • Access to Aknum Steelstein26, -5, 504 ) Copy, a mender
