In-Game Examine Window
Pristine chaos imbued swiftcloth hex doll
\aITEM 2052137092 1042303059 0 0 0:pristine chaos imbued swiftcloth hex doll\/a \aITEM 2052137092 1042303059 0 0 0:pristine chaos imbued swiftcloth hex doll\/a
What does this information mean?
Armor Set: Vexing Hexing
- Level 10
- Level 20
- Level 30
- Level 40
- Level 50
- Level 60
- Level 70
- Level 80
- Level 92
- (2) Applies Vexing Hexing.
- Reduces hex casting time by 5 percent
- Improves hex effectiveness by 5 percent
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Thu, 26 May 2022 14:38:41 +0000