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Pristine Tailored Dexterous Hidebound Leather Gi
Leather Armor Chest
White Adornment Slot
40 Primary Attributes
90 Health 90 Power
412  Resistances Combat Skills
Leather Armor (Chest)
Mitigation 259
Level 72 (Tier 8)
Bruiser, Monk
Obtain: Tailor-crafted using a level 79 recipe from Advanced Tailor Volume 79.

\aITEM 1973140745 905115942:Pristine Tailored Dexterous Hidebound Leather Gi\/a \aITEM 1973140745 905115942:Pristine Tailored Dexterous Hidebound Leather Gi\/a
What does this information mean?

Armor Set: Pristine Tailored Dexterous Hidebound Leather
There are no bonuses derived from wearing multiple members of this set

Look When Worn[]

Male Female
Pristine Tailored Dexterous Hidebound Leather Gi (Visible, Male)