EverQuest 2 Wiki
Race inanimate object

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EverQuest II NPC Information
Purpose Tradeskill Writs
Race Inanimate Object
Zone The Village of Shin (The Shadow Odyssey)
Location Second floor of the Outsiders' Landing Inn ( -96, 4, 104 ) Copy

This NPC is actually an interactive (clickable) desk, located on the upper level of Far Seas Supply Division building ( -96, 4, 104 ) Copy in the Village of Shin (Isle of Mara). When you reach level 50 in your tradeskill, you can click the desk to get the weekly tradeskill quest it offers. If the quest requires crafted items, the recipe book used for the quest is located on the desk itself. When any of the weekly quests is complete, click on the Supply Cupboard to the right of it to complete the quest.

Priority Orders Desk

The Priory Orders desk functions like a NPC. Used to get weekly quests for the Far Seas Supply Division in the Village of Shin.

Possible Weekly Quests from the Priority Orders Desk:

Far Seas Supply Division - A Recipe for Disaster
Far Seas Supply Division - Rescuing the Relics
Far Seas Supply Division - Restocking the Stores


  • You have one week to complete these and the quest offered resets on Wednesdays at 11pm PST.
  • In order to get these quests, you do not need to complete the quest Ship Out, but you will need access to The Tower of the Four Winds for Rescuing the Relics.
  • For details on the access quest needed to complete Rescuing the Relics, see the Notes section for Access to Tower of the Four Winds
  • The quest, A Recipe for Disaster, uses a variety of common, Harvestables (Tier 6) and fuels for all tradeskill classes.
  • If you forget to bring materials, you don't need to complete an access quest to use the bank or broker in this zone.
Supply Cupboard

The Supply Cupboard can be clicked to turn in weekly quests for the Far Seas Supply Division in the Village of Shin.
