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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Scourge Keep (Advanced Solo) (LU100)
Race [race needed]
Level [level needed] Solo
Reported Drops
AA Exp unknown
Status Points yes

What does this information mean?


Has 2x The Prime Vigoth's Aman adds.


  • Prime Vigoth Ansleborg is spawned by talking to a Deathfist serf18, 1, 1 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI in The Scourge Barracks.
  • She comes with two adds and is a Tallonite.
  • She will say, "You know little of battle. I shall teach you!", followed by, "Let's see how well you follow orders!" Then she will issue commands such as, "Mages! To me!" or "Paladin! Get back there!"
    • When she orders, "Get down!" then crouch -- Do NOT SIT due to aoe procs that can make you stand.
    • When she orders, "Front and center!" then stand directly in front of her.
    • When she orders, "Fighters stop attacking!" stop all auto attack and target self.
    • When she orders, "Fighters, Flank!" get right next to her at a 90 degree angle.
    • When she orders, "Fighters! Get back there!" move at least 10 meters away from her!
  • If you fail to follow her orders by the time she finishes casting a spell, you die instantly.
  • If you correctly follow her orders in time, she responds, "Excellent solder!" or "Good! You may yet live!" or "And the fight continues!"