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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Thalumbra  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 100 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Speak to Thaneni in the Luminous Peaks-372, 164, 154 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
Preceded by:
Another One Bites the Rock
Followed by:

What does this information mean?

I have seen the glaufaye, and come to realize their suffering is due to a preservation spell that has kept them alive, and outside the cycle of life. Thaneni, the elven ghost I found wandering near Zou'Lidelas, has given me his arcane staff, which he believes is a threat to the spell they weary of.


  1. Pick up Thaneni's Staff-365, 164, 149 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI and equip it.
  2. Attack Arideva-454, 222, 337 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI.
  3. You get pulled away by a force before you can kill Arideva completely.
  4. He is sending you to an instance to kill the spell from within.
  5. After finishing the instance you get send back automatically to Thulumbra.
  6. Talk to Arideva again.
  7. Return to Thaneni.

