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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Ssraeshza Temple (Solo) (Altar of Malice)
Race [race needed]
Level [level needed] Heroic
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

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For other articles with related titles, see Poxrata.
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LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Ssraeshza Temple (Advanced Solo) (Altar of Malice)
Race Grimling
Level 105▲ Tier 11 Heroic
Location The Tide Wall-46, -9, -155 ) Copy
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

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  1. Poxrata is grouped with her friends Brudu, Grudu, and Krudu in the Tide Wall room ( -38, -10, -148 ) Copy.
    • Make sure you have a water breathing spell or charm before starting this fight. The Fishbone Earring from the Heritage Quest Hadden's Earring works perfectly, although some other water breathing spells such as Watery Respite may not.
    • You may need to focus on Brudu, Grudu, and Krudu, ignoring the red that Poxrata emits. Poxrata will be mostly dead by the time you have both companions taken out. Alternatively, if you have plenty of DPS, you can simply burn Poxrata, and her friends disappear when she dies.

other resources
LootDB · EQ2LL · ZAM
EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Ssraeshza Temple (Heroic) (Altar of Malice)
Race Grimling
Level 106▲▲▲ Tier 11 Heroic
Location East room with the water barrier ( -39, -10, -147 ) Copy
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
Linked with Brudu, Krudu, Grudu
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

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The three adds don't do much. Poxrata remains rooted in the center while they're alive, so you may choose to kill them off to the side. There is a KB. Poxrata summons a Crimson tide every so often-- it helps to have water breathing on since the room fills with water.

The only thing you really ought to pay attention to is Poxrata's Steal Essence-- the red text is, Poxrata begins life draining [you/name], but her reach is only 20 meters! As one might expect, if the person she life drains is standing outside of 20 meters, she won't heal.
