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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Treasure Hunt  (AA)
Introduced Terrors of Thalumbra
Journal Level 102 (Tier 11)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thalumbra, the Ever Deep more
How to Start Click on a scroll, an order for poxfiendlings in Zou'Lidelas-428, 259, 394 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
part of: Terrors of Thalumbra Timeline
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What does this information mean?

The note reads: The poxfiends are overbreeding and must be depopulated. Whoever is brave enough to do so must slay them at their earliest stage, where they live in great numbers, hidden above the highest leaves of Zou'Lidelas. Placing the carcass of a cave locust or umbral leafhopper atop these leaves will draw out these poxfiendlings. The more carcasses placed, the more will emerge for a feeding frenzy. Do this swiftly, as the natural balance of Zou'Lidelas depends on it!


  • You have 8 minutes to complete this quest.


  1. Kill a cave locust or an umbral leafhopper. Click on the body to retrieve it for further use.
  2. Find the highest leaves ( -342, 330, 396 ) Copy.
  3. Put down ONE bug carcass, then kill the incoming poxfiendlings.

