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Race halfling

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar (Solo) (Rum Cellar Campaign)
Race Halfling
Level [level needed] Solo , (Approx. HP: ~190,000)
Location Office of the Rum Master
Reported Drops
Melee Attacks Crush
Related Quests

Averting the Rumpocalypse

AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?


  1. Attack Portia until she goes to the liquor cabinet. She will pick a bottle and make a statement that starts with Portia Rumuffin takes a swig in honor of ....
    • When you first enter the room, locate the five named bottles of rum.
  2. The keywords are in Portia's emote when she drinks. You must click the correct bottle after each emote in order to make Portia vulnerable to attack. If you miss, Portia gains a powerful buff.
    • "Homeland": Click the bottle of Rivervale Reserve-41, -96, 108 ) Copy (to the right of the door on a crate).
    • "More fortunate": Click the bottle of Pirate's Lucky Break-34, -96, 105 ) Copy (to the left of the door on a crate).
    • "Ship": Click the bottle of Seafaring Lady 1154-47, -96, 81 ) Copy (on the desk).
    • "Company": Click the bottle of F.S.T.C. Limited Edition-44, -96, 74 ) Copy.
    • "Dock": Click the bottle of Kithicor Island Estate-35, -97, 101 ) Copy (bottom of the bookshelf near the front door).
    • "Jesters and Pranksters": Click the bottle of Fool's Royal Cask-53, -96, 81 ) Copy (middle of the bookshelf near the desk).