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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Scourge Keep (Advanced Solo) (LU100)
Race Boar
Level [level needed] Solo
Location Gud Eats Butcher, a building in the yard on the east side of Scourge Keep ( -23, 0, 7 ) Copy
Reported Drops
AA Exp unknown
Status Points 30800

What does this information mean?


Gud Eats Cleaver

The cleaver needed to kill Pork Chop

  • To spawn Pork Chop, kill the butcher's guard.
  • The butcher will see his moment and try to run, going around the north side of the keep and despawning at the north west tower. When he reaches the north east tower he becomes attackable and if killed will spawn Pork Chop.
  • Grab the cleaver on the wall inside Gud EatsButcher, use the cleaver on Pork Chop, but it is not required to kill Pork Chop (Advanced Solo)