Requirements: Balanced number of Ascension classes of each type (Ex: 1 geo 1 eth 1 ele 1 tham) need 1 of each.
Everyone goto proper totem before fight (note:arcane for is both elem & ether) geo is red and thaum is green totem.
Upon pull of the named everyone right click the totem and attune failure to do so will cause death of unattuned person.
The named will at certain %'s hp emote about a deadly breath if your not by your assigned totem (does this 3 to 5 times). Run back to the totem to prevent death and banish.
Around 50% hp the named will check to see if there are equal ascension classes for all 4, Failure will wipe and is needed to kill the mob.
After 50% just burn him down following the totem joust like before until it's dead.
Requirements: Dispel charms or potions and any kind of movement speed boosts
Try to keep moving he will drop dark puddles on ground near largest clusters of players which you need to dispel and move out of asap as they slow you down heavily and do deadly damage.
Burn em down.
summons adds around 40%? that need to be killed
2 evil classes? necro and defiler have to get in the corpse golems via a spell given they have to hold aggro while rest dpses him down