Zone (Patch) | Ravenscale Repository (The Shadow Odyssey) |
Race | Mannequin |
Level | 83▲▲▲-Scales with player level Heroic , (Approx. HP: 1,100,000 - 1,400,000 per armourine) |
Location | Reliquary of the Hunter ( -120, 16, -245 ) |
Reported Drops | |
AA Exp | Yes |
Status Points | none |
What does this information mean?
This encounter is random each instance, ranging anywhere from 4 to 6 members and different potential classes. Based on the names below can make an educated guess as to which class or at least what type of abilities they will be capable of using. An enchanter to AOE mez or a class that can AOE root is helpful in defeating this encounter.
Depending on the group you can expect fun things like Sanctuary, Fake Death. Memwipe looks to occur frequently...If you happen to run upon the Monk AND the Warrior in the same group, chances are you are going to wipe unless you can get them mezzed. Otherwise it will be a struggle while trying to kill off the monk inbetween Feign Death's and the Warrior CONSTANTLY taunting you.
Censor of Reconstruction[]
Conduit of Elemental Fury[]
Sorcerer (wizard?)
Orator of Misgivings[]
Coercer script.
Overseer of Devastation[]
Mage, Possibly necromancer?
Warding of Terror[]
Tailor of Sabotage[]
Pillar of the Implacable[]
Warrior script. Extremely annoying. Taunts every 2-5 seconds. Hard to take out the others while he is alive, reccomend killing ASAP.
Meditation of a Hundred Strikes[]
Brawler script, feigns death A LOT, about every 5-10 seconds it seems. Reccomended to kill last.