Return to Wracklands and travel to the Shissar Temple ruins near ( 532, 87, 429 ) Copy/waypoint 532.28, 86.97, 429.38. You get an auto-update.
NOTE: If you haven't travelled to the bartender ( 7, 181, 193 ) Copy/waypoint 6.96, 180.50, 192.59 on the second floor or Sanctus Seru City to purchase travel globes, use the directions below:
Exit to The Blinding ( -408, 88, 1 ) Copy/waypoint -408, 88, 1 .
Take the bug back to Greg's Spire ( 570, 48, 588 ) Copy/waypoint 570, 48, 588 .
Head down the ramp into the cave ( 706, 428, -601 ) Copy/waypoint 706.37, 428.42, -600.52 .
Exit the cave and follow the path to the Wracklands ( 384, 299, -593 ) Copy/waypoint 384.02, 299.25, -592.93
Enter the Wracklands ( -290, 218, -896 ) Copy/waypoint -290.02, 218.38, -896.48