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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced LU111
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Wracklands more
How to Start Speak to the tegi shaman you showed the Ceremonial Amulet of the Tegi to.
part of: Blood of Luclin Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Piercing the Darkness: Three Little Tegi Part I
Followed by:
Piercing the Darkness: Three Little Tegi Part III

What does this information mean?


  1. Equip Ceremonial Amulet of the Tegi.
    • Note: This makes the mobs in The Grey non-hostile.
  2. Meet the tegi at ( 532, 87, 425 ) Copy
    Tegi Flyer

    Posted Tegi Flyer

  3. Wait for the Ritualistic Intent ceremony to start. Do not move off the platform, wait for the Tegi Sympathizer Flyer to appear on the post after the completion of the ritual. You MUST have the Ceremonial Amulet of the Tegi equiped BEFORE stepping on the platform, or the event will not trigger. Equip it, move away and on the platform again.
    • At some point the High Shaman will say, "Fer da Gahds!" and leap into the shadowy magic and disappear.
    • Note: This is a timed quest.
    • Note: It may take a bit of time, but should be at least once every Earth hour, more likely ~15 minutes.
    • Note: Do NOT talk to the NPCs. It doesn't speed things up. It may slow it down.
    • Note: The Tegi Sympathizer Flyer appears on post behind you. Don't jump into the crater.
    • Note: Make sure you wear the Ceremonial Amulet of the Tegi or you wont get credit.
  4. Take the Posted Letter at ( 521, 87, 431 ) Copy
  5. Examine Tegi Sympathizer Flyer.
  6. Examine Benosch Ironsprocket's Enchanted Field Guide to Luclin in Wracklands.


  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 25,199 status
  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 25,199 status at Level 125