The Insectoid Communication Jammer will make you non-aggro to the mobs in the zone for 10 minutes, refresh it when it expires.
There are a lot of harvest nodes in this cave if you do not have the required materials
WARNING! Totem of Escape and Tradeskill Epic Weapon's Artisan's Escape disabled in this zone. However, Call to Guild still works as does fast travel (for subscribers).
Travel to ( 724, 34, 55 ) Copy/waypoint 723.75, 34.12, 54.92 and pick up recipe book Ironsprocket's M.A.G.I.C. creates a new recipe, Advanced Lightning Tracker: Mach INote: The recipes auto-scribe.
Back in the cave, use the Advanced Lightning Tracker: Mach I. Each one will lead you to a piece of paper. The pages are just waypoints, not harvestable. You do not actually have to use the trackers, just proceed through the caves.
Exit the hive to The Blinding at ( 335, 48, 166 ) Copy/waypoint 335, 48, 166 and speak to Nuniun Wolfbane at ( 637, 428, -646 ) Copy/waypoint 637, 428, -646
Note: Currently you cannot evac to the front of the tradeskill instance, you have to hoof it, fast-travel, or call to guild hall
Note: Remove illusions before talking to Nuniun. He needs to know your race to continue his dialogue.
Speak to Luminary Felferrin in the lower level of Grieg's Spire at ( 654, 305, -544 ) Copy/waypoint 654, 305, -544. Be sure to talk to Felferrin before going to Sanctus Seru, the city mentioned in your dialogue with Nuniun.