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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced LU111
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Wracklands more
How to Start Examine Symbol of the Shissar Empire in inventory and 'Look closer'.
part of: Blood of Luclin Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Piercing the Darkness: Three Little Tegi Part III
Followed by:
Piercing the Darkness: Message in a Shadowed Bottle Part II

What does this information mean?

Materials Required[]

Although these are technically for the next quest in the series, it takes place in the same zone so it's advised to have them on you before entering the zone.

At least:

  1. 300 Hardened Zelniak Pelt
  2. 150 Hornbeam Spruce Log
  3. 10 Humming Azurite
  4. 100 Luclizite Cluster


  1. Click the shadowy portal near ( 536, 87, 432 ) Copy in the Wracklands to enter Empty Mines of the Temple Ssraeshza: Piercing the Darkness.
  2. Examine pool of green blood at ( -30, -32, -1 ) Copy.
    Pool of green blood

    pool of green blood

  3. Click on the pulsing blue column at ( 10, -32, 34 ) Copy to 'Attempt to Cure Yourself'.
  4. For the next part there are four glowing blue items that need picking up and placing with their matching larger glowing blue statues around the room. You can find these items surrounded by pillars that circle the Centre of the room:
    • -48, -31, 1 ) Copy
    • -1, -31, -48 ) Copy
    • 48, -31, -1 ) Copy
    • -1, -31, 48 ) Copy
    • Note: There are two versions of each of these items, one you can pick up (the smaller version) and one that you can't (the larger version). Also, you need to make sure you are close enough to the statue when you place the item. It's sometimes a little bit picky about placement. Put items on the ground at statue, not into hands. When each item is placed properly, you will get a chat message indicating the item has locked into place.
    • Move the hammer to the statue at ( -79, -32, -78 ) Copy NE corner.
    • Move the symbol to the statue at ( -80, -32, 77 ) Copy SE corner.
    • Move the staff to the statue at ( 75, -32, -79 ) Copy NW corner.
    • Move the sword to the statue at ( 71, -32, 74 ) Copy SW corner.
  5. Descend the stairs that open at ( 8, -31, -4 ) Copy.
  6. Click on the pulsing blue column at ( -26, -61, -44 ) Copy to 'Attempt to Cure Yourself'.
  7. Click the Shadowy Focus at ( -67, -79, -98 ) Copy. (Each Shadowy Focus is in order as you decend.)
    Shadowy Focus

    Shadowy Focus

  8. Click the Shadowy Focus at ( -98, -97, -66 ) Copy.
  9. Click the Shadowy Focus at ( -65, -115, -34 ) Copy.
  10. Click the Shadowy Focus at ( -34, -132, -67 ) Copy.
  11. Turn off the collectors in each of the 4 dark rooms on the ground floor. The collectors are at the rear of each room:
    • -67, -150, -186 ) Copy
    • -181, -150, -66 ) Copy
    • -66, -150, 51 ) Copy
    • 54, -150, -67 ) Copy
  12. Touch the Sphere at ( -64, -146, -67 ) Copy -- (the dark column in the center of the room).


  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 25,199 status