While in Aurelian Coast, locate the Fordel Midst Tunnel ( 140, 87, -496 ) Copy/waypoint 139.71, 86.93, -495.93, and follow it until you reach the door (portal) at ( 172, 62, -676 ) Copy/waypoint 171.93, 61.89, -676.22 to enter Fordel Midst: Investigating the Shadow Haven. (Fast Travel to City of Fordel Midst, then exit to Aurelian Coast achieves the update.)
Make your way to the library at ( 741, -9, -705 ) Copy/waypoint 741.37, -8.55, -704.99
NOTE: Avoid the glowing orange urns.
Pick up the book near the base of the toppled bookcase ( 772, -8, -739 ) Copy/waypoint 772, -8, -739.
NOTE: The spray and chains both take much longer than usual to neutralize the threat. Stay as far away as possible.
A VoV-equipped 120+ adventurer should be able to easily kill the hostile spectral apparitions, eliminating the time sink for using the spray and/or chains. The spray is still needed for the next step, so don't forget to craft it.