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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced LU111
Journal Level 110 (Tier 12)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Aurelian Coast more
How to Start look closer while reading Benosch Ironsprocket's Enchanted Field Guide to Luclin
part of: Blood of Luclin Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Piercing the Darkness: A Very Fortunate Turn of Events Part III
Followed by:
Piercing the Darkness: Gifts from the Great Beyond Part II

What does this information mean?

Materials Required / Notes[]

Note: If you do not get updated examine the journal again, or try to use the Hooked Gardening Tool in your appearance slot. Examine the Journal while in the Aurelian Coast.


  1. Gather 3 mysterious object (trackable) in the Boneyard Bog near ( -243, 3, 72 ) Copy.
    • Note: Location ( -231, 3, -135 ) Copy, ( -215, 2, -181 ) Copy, ( -171, 2, 15 ) Copy, ( -330, 2, -165 ) Copy, ( -283, 3, -24 ) Copy
    • Note: They look like large shells. Not guaranteed updates (you will often receive "a broken object", not the "mysterious object" you are looking for)
    • Note: Use tab and shift-tab targeting to more easily find the item. They can be tracked with Track Harvestables.
    • Note: The skeletons in the area are hostile, but they have very short aggro ranges, so with patience and care, even lower level characters should be able to gather the items. (many of them don't see invis)
  2. Craft a Advanced Lightning Tracker Mach I on a Work Bench and use it in Aurelian Coast.
    • Note: You'll have to craft another one for the first questupdate for the next quest. Don't cancel the workbench when you just summoned one.
  3. Examine Ironsprocket's M.A.G.I.C. Device and 'Look more closely at the contraption.'


  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 26,666 status
  • At least 14p 21g 53s 73c 26,065 status at Level 125