What does this information mean?
- Speak to Alyse Ni'Hij in the Teren's Grasp Hall of the Crafters at ( 2210, 483, -729 ) Copy/waypoint 2209.95, 483.33, -728.62 to receive Receipt for Components: M.A.G.I.C. and Recipe Scroll: Ironsprocket's Mechanized Azoic Geologic Identifier Contraption
- Speak to Gabin Baerea at ( 2195, 483, -730 ) Copy/waypoint 2194.53, 483.33, -730.47 to receive Components for M.A.G.I.C.
- Craft an Ironsprocket's Mechanized Azoic Geologic Identifier Contraption on a Work Bench.
- This is found in your recipe book as Ironsprocket's M.A.G.I.C. Device
- Two can be found in the same room near ( 2220, 488, -685 ) Copy/waypoint 2219.86, 487.62, -685.08
- Use the spire portal at ( 1976, 480, -839 ) Copy/waypoint 1975.89, 480.01, -838.99 to enter The Blinding.
- WARNING! Flying mounts are DISABLED unless you already completed the BoL Adventure Timeline, so watch that first step.
- NOTE: As soon as you can, enter the city and buy travel globes from the bartender.
- Speak to Nuniun Wolfbane at ( 637, 428, -646 ) Copy/waypoint 637, 428, -646.
- At least 1p 49g 68s 80c
- BoL Flag: Overlands Unlock
- at TS level 111, ~ 252,143,905 tradeskill xp; not counting bonuses.
- at TS level 118, 222,139,708 tradeskill xp; not counting bonuses. (Boosted to Level 120)