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Phantom Tourmaline Locket
Item 575
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot 
215 Primary Attributes 437 Stamina
3.9% AE Auto
38% Crit Chance
20.2% Crit Bonus
20.2%  Potency
6% Mitigation Increase
Synthetic Strengthening III
Slot Neck
Level 98 (Tier 10)

  • When Equipped:
    • Suspends for 30 seconds when the caster takes damage greater than 30% of their maximum health
    • Increases the caster's effectiveness of worn armor vs physical damage by 13%.
Obtain: Jeweler-crafted using a level 100 recipe from Jeweler Essentials Volume 100.

\aITEM -1204887318 -108794745:Phantom Tourmaline Locket\/a \aITEM -1204887318 -108794745:Phantom Tourmaline Locket\/a
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