EverQuest 2 Wiki
Perah'Celsis (Heroic)

Perah'Celsis (Heroic)

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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs (Sentinel's Fate)
Race Erudite
Level 94▲▲▲ Tier 10 Heroic , (Approx. HP: 3,200,000)
Location The Brain Center97, -11, -36 ) Copy
Reported Drops
AA Exp Yes
Status Points 18,062 at level 90

What does this information mean?


[An expanded, more-detailed strategy would be greatly appreciated.]

You get the chance to fight two of the four creatures on the tables before Perah'Celsis. Depending on which two you choose, the named will be given the unique attack ability specific to the mobs you chose to kill. After killing two of the four mobs, the other two will come to life and fight you along with Perah'Celsis. (WARNING: After killing your second mob, and after the other two activate, PC will rush your group shortly, about 5 seconds).

  • If you choose the Orc mob, Perah'Celsis gains a single target incurable trauma stun that lasts around 10-15 seconds.
  • If you choose the Ravasect, Perah'Celsis will automatically drain the entire groups power through out the fight.
  • If you choose the Lich, Perah'Celsis will gain a 20-22k Harm touch nuke (Not Recommended)
  • If you Choose the Drolvarg, PErah'Celsis will gain a curse AOE that hits for 8-9 crushing per tick (Very painful).

If you select Orc and Drolvarg then Perah'Celsis will spawn the other two. Although they are nowhere as tough as the original mobs that you choose. Kryvac Vel'Orn had about 520,000 HP and Nekletk K'Tokt had 475,000. Perah'Celsis also had his own add called Grodinor which has approximatel 785,000 HP. The adds did cast their special spells but they were nowhere as potent as the original mob.
