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Pauldrons of Resolve

Pauldrons of Resolve

Triumphant Armor of the Divide - Resolve (Armor Set) (Visible, Female)

Pauldrons of Resolve (Equipped)

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Pauldrons of Resolve
Item 1557
White Adornment Slot Yellow Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
84 Primary Attributes 84 Stamina
28 Combat Skills
5.5% Crit Chance
4.9% Crit Bonus
8.4%  Potency
5.5% Reuse Speed
4.4% Casting Speed
Plate Armor (Shoulders)
Mitigation 624
Level 90 (Tier 10)
Inquisitor, Templar
Obtain: Looted from A Triumphant Armor Piece after completing Echoes of the Ring War

\aITEM -1135261128 679248721:Pauldrons of Resolve\/a \aITEM -1135261128 679248721:Pauldrons of Resolve\/a
What does this information mean?

Armor Set: Triumphant Armor of the Divide (Cleric)

  • (3) Applies +100 WIS
  • (5) Applies +100 STA
  • (6) Applies 3% Potency, 3% Crit Bonus

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