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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Betrayal
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 1 (Tier 1)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone The Commonlands more
How to Start The quest starts by speaking with Gil McMartin
part of: Freeport Sabotage Quest Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
NOTE: User_comment.png A discussion page exists which may contain more information

What does this information mean?


  1. Don't use the old graveyard route, instead, head to The Thieves' Way entrance from The Commonlands at ( -1248, -84, 119 ) Copy. Once in The Thieves' Way turn left (North) and run past the menders union Local 858 gnomes. Click the metal grate to the North (Zone to North Freeport).
  2. Once in North Freeport, The Dismal Den Zone in is ( -115, -8, -158 ) Copy Use stealth - the guards will kill you. (Or just hug the right wall until you can see the road between the temple and mage guild- watch for 3 wandering guards. No stealth necessary - just pay attention.)
  3. The scout is at the top of the stairs to the left ( -1, 4, -13 ) Copy, the key is in a box on the ground floor in the back room on the right ( -3, -1, -38 ) Copy(Right click box and choose "Search Box" - just clicking it won't give the update.)
  4. Open the door at the top of the stairs (right click and choose Use Key), and the prophet is in the back of the room by two stone statues. When you approach the prophet, he and the mobs on his left and right will agro- the rest of the mobs in the room simply leave. When the prophet is dead the quest will update.
  5. Return to Gil McMartin



Submitted By Sheumais, Guardian of the Mistmoore server.
