In-Game Examine Window
Overseer's Shield
\aITEM 1085168412 -1671144341:Overseer's Shield\/a \aITEM 1085168412 -1671144341:Overseer's Shield\/a
What does this information mean?
This item is needed for the final steps in the "artisan epic 2.0" quest series in the Kunark Ascending Crafting Timeline.
- See the The Final Blow for more details.
- This item can be sold via the broker or crafted for other tradeskillers using the commission crafting system.
- The item can be crafted at a Forge
- If you plan to have the item commissioned the following are needed:
- 3 Thaumic Material
- 3 Bornite Nodule
- 3 Splitiron Ore
- 3 Umbrite
- 5 Thaumic Coal
EQ2i credits this article at Census for the info in this article. the last update on Census for this item was: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 14:49:34 +0000