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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Thundering Steppes
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 30 (Tier 4)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Thundering Steppes more
How to Start Speak to Captain Sturman at Bridge Keep at ( 186, -1, -173 ) Copy
part of: The Thundering Steppes Timeline
Preceded by:
A Captain's Communique: Eitoa to Sturman
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Scout Dinardo is dead. You must collect his pieces of his report from the undead around Ruins of Karana.
    • Kill skeletons that are at least level 27, either solo or heroic, for 5 uncommon updates, near the rear entrance to The Ruins of Varsoon at ( -486, 6, 1048 ) Copy.
  2. Scout Kaylinn can be found on the ledge just north of the Coldwind Shores Cemetery, west of the gnoll towers overlooking the gnoll camp on the north edge of Thundermist Valley at ( 1342, 12, -226 ) Copy.
    • Note: this is also the spawn point of Windfeather, and it seems that if Windfeather has recently spawned then the scout will despawn, so try looking again in ~5 minutes.
  3. Scout Deeryen can be found by interacting with a boulder at ( 902, 0, 1174 ) Copy.
  4. Scout Eldyum must be spawned. This is a 3-wave ring event. Stand near the griffon station end of the Village of Thundermist. Start the ring event by walking on the rock nearest Defender Bolaris/Defender Rowan at ( 604, 6, -163 ) Copy. After the third wave the scout will then appear among next to the rock you walked on to start the ring.
    • You no longer have to kill (or even attack) the third wave; you may allow the guards to take care of them. The scout will spawn after this mob is dead.
  5. Scout Cendalya can be found on a rock ledge at ( 1410, 0, 308 ) Copy.

