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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill
Introduced Shattered Lands
Journal Level 95 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Cobalt Scar more
How to Start Talk to Plex4658, -827, 495 ) Copyon the cliffs west of Scarstone
part of: Scars of the Awakened Crafting Timeline
Preceded by:
Communicating With Our Destiny
Followed by:
Seeing is Believing

What does this information mean?


  1. Create recipe for Plex's invisibility cloaks
    1. Scribe the recipe Specification: Invisibility Cloak received from Plex.
    2. Create the Recipe: Invisibility Cloak at an Engraved Desk (one is located in the corner of the main tent in Scarstone, another in a smaller side tent ( 4424, -821, 362 ) Copy)
  2. Create 7 Invisibility Cloaks at a Sewing Table (one is located in the corner of the main tent in Scarstone, another in a smaller tent ( 4450, -821, 377 ) Copy)
    1. Scribe the Invisibility Cloak recipe
    2. Examine the Ingredients for Plex's Cloaks received from Plex to receive the following materials required to craft the cloaks:
  3. Return the Invisibility Cloaks to Plex


  • At least 1p 30g
