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Oremana grand staff
"The Clay gave us life and the clay shall grant us power." - Varion Firerok, Earth Tender of the Circle of Oremana - The Circle of Oremana was a society of dwarves that believed they could harness the powers of the Underfoot embedded within stone and soil.
Item 3209
White Adornment Slot Turquoise Adornment Slot 
62 Primary Attributes 62 Stamina
24 Combat Skills
2.2% Crit Chance
0.6% Crit Bonus
3.4%  Potency
5.4% Casting Speed
Two-Handed Crushing
Damage 46 - 137     Two-Handed Crushing
Delay 2.5 seconds    (73.3 Rating)
Level 62 (Tier 7)
All Fighters, All Priests, All Mages, Beastlord
Obtain: Reward from the quest "The Kragbak Strongbox" in Kaladim.

\aITEM 2041211185 -562511009:Oremana grand staff\/a \aITEM 2041211185 -562511009:Oremana grand staff\/a
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