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Orcish Wastes Opportunist
Category: Exploration

Subcategory: Shattered Lands

Find the points of interest in Zek.

Three Toes Watering Hole
The Charred Vale
The Grove of Stones
Spirit Lake
Blood Ore Valley
The Defiled Forest
The Sea of Crossed Swords
The Orc Outpost
The Refuge
Spirit Valley
The Warship Dock

The Bridge of Zek
Deathfist Citadel
The Siren's Cove
Deathfist Lookout
Citadel Road
The Mythical Forest
The Orc Encampment
The O.W.G. Smasher
The Valley of Sacrifice
Three Toes Valley
The Deathfist Quarry

\aACH 1315686036:Orcish Wastes Opportunist\/a \aACH 1315686036:Orcish Wastes Opportunist\/a

Daybreak Games
