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EverQuest 2 Spell/Spells Information
Open Wounds
Spell 337
The berserker will attack all enemies in an area surrounding the berserker with every normal combat attack for up to 4 enemies. The berserker's attack speed is increased and he or she will inflict additional damage every few seconds to all enemies near him or her.

Target Self
Casting 1.0 second
Recast 3.0 minutes
Duration 36.0 seconds
Level 58

  • Applies Open Wounds instantly and every 4 seconds.
    • Inflicts (X) slashing damage on targets in Area of Effect.
  • Increases Haste of caster by (Y).
  • Increases AE Autoattack of Caster by 100.0%.
This spell has no higher-level versions
Spell Effects by Spell Rank
Effect Apprentice Journeyman Adept Expert Master Grandmaster Ancient Celestial
(X) 68-125 83-153 90-167 116-215 120-223 126-234
(Y) 30.6 37.4 40.8 52.4 54.4 57.1

Gray cells correspond to unavailable ranks of the spell.
