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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tenebrous Tangle  (AA)
Introduced LU55
Journal Level 70 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Tenebrous Tangle more
How to Start Examine Bilgeron's Maps and Notes given to you by Bilgeron from the previous request
part of: Cloud Mount Timeline
Preceded by:
Back to the Beginning
Followed by:

What does this information mean?


  1. Head to the Halls Landing cloud station.
  2. There is an 'X' made of white stones at this location ( -262, -19, 19 ) Copy.
  3. Clicking/attempt to move the stones at the X and you will be teleported down onto a root below the main isle, Follow the root SE to the treasure and open the treasure chest.
  4. Click the blue sparkles on the root to ride the updraft back then return to Bilgeron.


And one of the following:


The quest journal text says "You take a quick look at the map and look at the four main islands you had to visit earlier in your quest. After a moment of pondering, you connect the dots and discovered that it makes an X right over where the Temple Grounds Cloud station is."

This is either a typo or intentionally misleading. It should read the Halls Landing Cloud Station.
