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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Eastern Wastes  (AA)
Introduced LU61
Journal Level 92 (Tier 10)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Eastern Wastes more
How to Start Talk to Carpus-1166, -244, 2070 ) Copy
part of: Eastern Wastes Timeline
Preceded by:
One Flew Over the Gryphon's Nest
Followed by:
Griffin in the Shell

What does this information mean?


  1. Fly above the south-eastern path between Howling Pass and Dragon Head's Drifts.
    • Look for tundra wind griffons with nest on the way. The griffon(s) will become aggro.
  2. Click piles of dirt in the nests without eggs. The piles do not highlight.
  3. Return to Carpus

Note: If they do not attack you, simply jump into the nest and click on the pile of dirt under the griffon.



