What does this information mean?
You must be level 80+ to receive this quest
- Speak with Grand Duke Lazarus Hazran on the second level of the Milita House ( 141, -7, 125 ) Copy/waypoint 140.96, -7.05, 124.76
- Find your way to the basement two levels down. Upon entering you will be attacked by 2-3 a Freeport Militia Guard (even con)
- Speak with Savant Keza, ( 172, -23, 136 ) Copy/waypoint 172.42, -23.42, 136.47
- Zone into A Bleak Dungeon at ( 132, -26, 141 ) Copy/waypoint 132, -26, 141
- Fight your way down and gather 5 arcane items (Scroll, vase, crystal)
- Return to Savant Keza and ask her to follow you to The Academy of Arcane Science in North Freeport
- Return to Foci Tamara Paust in The City of Freeport