What does this information mean?
Steps [ ]
Go into Karnor's Castle in Kylong Plains and kill either Xalgoz ( -140, -90, -4 ) Copy /waypoint -140, -90, -4 (2 hour timer) or his placeholder the Mistmoore Emissary (15 minute timer) to get the Hollowed-Bone Wand . Only one of these drops per kill.
Go back to the Gnomeland Security Headquarters in Steamfont Mountains and speak with Hedwocket Cobbleblork
Head into Sebilis and kill any of these nameds Kotiz the Death Bringer (front of Venril Sathir's Lair zone in), Nihilist Yeegarn ( 72, -131, 164 ) Copy /waypoint 72, -131, 164 , Nihilist Zeegarn ( 0, -136, 186 ) Copy /waypoint 0, -136, 186 , High Ambassador Guralz , or First Lieutenant Rixol (in Audience Chamber) for body drop (a Ring of Negative Energy ).
Go back to the Gnomeland Security Headquarters in Steamfont Mountains and speak with Hedwocket Cobbleblork and you will received as a reward A bag of unassembled wand components and Knowledge of Assembling the Dragon's Marrow .
Find a woodworker to craft your epic commission style.
If your goal is to have the Item for the Epic Conversion Timeline , you do NOT need to do the RAID version. You can begin that timeline now.
Rewards [ ]
This quest is part of the Wizard Epic Weapon Timeline , and can only be started/completed by a member of that class of at least Level 80.