Catalogue a magmitre sludge in Wurmscale Barrens ( -2, 103, 739 ) Copy/waypoint -1.76, 102.73, 739.33
Catalogue a pyrocrux in Wurmscale Barrens ( 29, 124, 718 ) Copy/waypoint 29.16, 123.85, 717.92 (In the same lava pool as the Magmitre Sludge, I could target it from higher up)
Catalogue a deadly stoonleer in Giant's Walk ( -603, 54, 344 ) Copy/waypoint -603.06, 54.06, 343.78
Catalogue a deadthly spined succulent in Giant's Walk ( -512, 83, 243 ) Copy/waypoint -512.05, 83.12, 242.73
Catalogue a drake of the grove in Garden's of Nye'Caelona ( -498, -66, -294 ) Copy/waypoint -498.18, -65.90, -294.02
Catalogue a garden geode in Garden's of Nye'Caelona ( -617, -85, -400 ) Copy/waypoint -617.46, -85.34, -400.08
Catalogue an Obulus garden trap in Garden's of Nye'Caelona ( -569, -78, -347 ) Copy/waypoint -569.27, -78, -346.53
Catalogue a forest slug succulent in Warslik's Woods ( -222, -180, -565 ) Copy/waypoint -222, -180.12, -564.80
Catalogue an Obulus jibsnapper near the Ocean of Tears ( 8, -242, -878 ) Copy/waypoint 8.43, -242.27, -877.79
Catalogue an Obulus leatherback near the Ocean of Tears ( 49, -242, -899 ) Copy/waypoint 49.30, -241.98, -898.92 (On the same beach as the Jibsnappers)
Catalogue a luclinite cluster near the Luclinite Chunk ( 233, -240, -280 ) Copy/waypoint 232.56, -239.83, -279.58
Catalogue an Obulus vapor entity at Frontier Falls ( 328, -228, -81 ) Copy/waypoint 328.22, -228.13, -81.47
Note: You really want to end at the Frontier Falls because next you must kill 4 named mobs. They are non-agro mobs until they are catalogued. The area they spawn and move around in is in blue on your map.