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To get to Obol Plains, take the Tourbillion in The Eidolon Jungle at ( -2416, 201, 735 )
Signature Series[]
Progression of the Obol Plains portion of the signature series requires prior completion of The Eidolon Jungle portion of the signature series. Shades of Drinal: Puzzle Pieces is the quest that sends you to Obol Plains.
Speak to Drinal's Steward at ( -723, -4, 21 ) in Obol Plains. The following quests are part of the Obol Plains portion of the signature series:
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Dreadcutter at World's End
- [96] Shades of Drinal: Fate's Crusade
Cardin Ward[]
Completion of all of Firiona's, Furtog's and Galen's quests will update Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection.
Firiona Vie[]
Firiona is in the abbey of Cardin Ward at ( -365, 14, -25 ) .
- [94] A Harrowing Experience This sends you to see Furtog and Galen.
- [94] A Trusted Witness (Completion updates Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection.)
General Furtog Ogrebane[]
Furtog is in Cardin Ward at ( -455, 10, 14 ) .
- [94] Ethereal Material (Available after completion of A Harrowing Experience.)
- [94] Thugs on a Plain
- [94] Gate Crashers! (Completion updates Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection.)
Galen Cadabrak[]
Galen is in Cardin Ward at ( -460, 15, 84 ) .
- [94] Constructing Cardin Wardens (Available after completion of A Harrowing Experience.)
- [94] Signs of Tourbillion Trouble
- [94] Out of the Fire... (Completion updates Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection.)
Anton the Mad[]
Anton is in Cardin Ward at ( -456, 11, -26 ) .
- [94] Mad Crown's Quest
- [94] Taming of the Tuatara
Incantatory Apex[]
Quests at this location are offered once the player has received Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption. (Unless otherwise indicated.) Completion of all of Tal'il's and K'Rin's quests will update Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.
Tal'il Amhenti[]
Tal'il is in Incantatory Apex at ( -85, 43, -230 ) .
- [94] Saving Apprentice Phophar (Completion allows K'Rin to offer Valdim's Grand Plan.)
- [94] Gehein Some, Lose Some
- [94] Soldiers in the Ether
- [94] Tourbillion Interruption (Completion updates Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.)
- [94] Connecting Ether Threads (This quest becomes available an undetermined amount of time after completion of Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.) and opens the wizard spire for operation
K'rin Valdim[]
K'Rin is in Incantatory Apex at ( -67, 45, -215 ) .
- [94] Valdim's Grand Plan (Available upon completion of Saving Apprentice Phophar.)
- [94] Desired Siphon Components
- [94] Well Worth the Troubles (Completion updates Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.)
Damion Trebatius[]
Damion is in Incantatory Apex at ( -64, 45, -219 ) .
Naisha Vallinasis[]
Naisha is in Incantatory Apex at ( -67, 45, -222 ) .
- [94] Soiled Soil (Offered after clicking upon the pot at ( -69, 44, -223 ) .)
Galen Cadabrak[]
Galen is now in Incantatory Apex at ( -69, 45, -219 ) .
- [94] Cadabrak's Crippling Concoction (This quest becomes available an undetermined amount of time after completion of Shades of Drinal: Incantatory Corruption.)
Sanctuary of the Devoted[]
Quests at this location are offered once the player has received Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge. (Unless otherwise indicated.) Completion of all of Venox's, Deema's and Duskrender's quests will update Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge.
Venox Tarkog[]
Venox is under a tree in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 219, 80, -47 ) .
- [95] Convenient Conversion
- [95] Religious Studies
- [95] Search of Scales (Available upon completion of Littlepaw's Knowledge; completion of this quest updates Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge.)
Deema Mertshak[]
Deema is in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 231, 90, 86 ) .
- [95] Mertshak's Search for a Bite
- [95] Lujien, not Lycan
- [95] Littlepaw's Knowledge (Available upon completion of Ascension Assistance.)
Duskrender is in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 260, 89, 67 ) .
- [95] Ascension of a God
- [95] Ascension Assistance (Completion allows Deema to offer Littlepaw's Knowledge.)
Blackhowl is in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 280, 94, 81 ) .
- [95] Rise of the Lujien
- [95] Offering for Drinal
- [95] Death to the Horde! (Repeatable)
Whittled Woodlot[]
Quests at this location are offered once the player has received Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore. (Unless otherwise indicated.) Completion of all of Wegadas' and Madyl's quests will update Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore.
Wegadas is in Whittled Woodlot at ( -40, -4, 534 ) .
- [95] Wegadas's Woven Knowledge (Completion of this quest allows Madyl to offer Unkempt Desires.)
- [95] A Jagged Branch (Completion of this quest allows Jenni to offer Chock Full of Rocks.)
- [95] Ethershade Parley
- [95] Augur Aggression
- [95] Druidic Cleansing
- [95] Rooted in Growth (Completion of this quest updates Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore; completion also unlocks Druid Rings in both The Eidolon Jungle and Obol Plains.)
Madyl D'Lareth[]
Madyl is in Whittled Woodlot at ( -20, -4, 547 ) .
- [95] Unkempt Desires (Available upon completion of Wegadas's Woven Knowledge.)
- [95] Spiritual Guidance
- [95] Dreary Coast Guard (Completion of this quest updates Shades of Drinal: Dashed Upon the Shore.)
Dalyana Pinecrest[]
Dalyana is in Whittled Woodlot at ( -93, -4, 424 ) .
- [95] Even the Score (Requires completion of Venox Tarkog's quests, but is not otherwise linked to the signature questline.)
Jenni Everling[]
Jenni is in Whittled Woodlot at ( -20, -4, 532 ) .
- [95] Chock Full of Rocks (Available upon completion of A Jagged Branch; completion allows Scuttles to offer Hungry Little Guy.)
- [95] Evercursed
- [95] Jenni's Stained Pants (Available upon completion of One Hungry Bug.)
Scuttles is in Whittled Woodlot at ( -21, -4, 530 ) .
- [95] Hungry Little Guy (Available upon completion of Evercursed.)
- [95] One Hungry Bug (Available approximately 30 minutes after completion of Hungry Little Guy; completion allows Jenni to offer the quest Jenni's Stained Pants.)
- [95] Dreary Dating Game (Once Scuttles spawns offspring, speaking to Jenni will allow the player to gain one as a house item.)
Bloo the Exiled[]
Bloo is in Whittled Woodlot at ( 6, 8, 562 ) .
- [95] Soul Provider (Available upon completion of Ghostly Corrosion.)
Item Triggered Quests[]
- [94] Bandit Busters (Click on an eyeball jar at ( -453, 15, 75 ) .)
- [95] An Unfinished Relic (Click on a statue in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 283, 95, 79 ) ; available after completion of Offering for Drinal.)
- [95] Drinal's Altar: Destruction of the Horde or [95] Drinal's Altar: Death to the Horde (Click on an altar in Sanctuary of the Devoted at ( 280, 94, 84 ) ; title of quest depends upon player selection; "very devoted" option offers the former; "somewhat devoted" option offers the latter; available after completion of Offering for Drinal.)
- [95] The Writings of an Unkempt Druid (Click on a journal in Whittled Woodlot at ( -19, -4, 545 ) .
- [94] Gehein Conglomeration (Examine an animated Gehein hand dropped by Gehein mobs.)
- [94] The Harrowing Hoard (Examine a Horde key dropped by Harrowing Horde mobs.)
- [95] A Lujien Fang (Examine a poisonous Lujien fang dropped by feral Lujiens.)
- [95] Ghostly Corrosion (Examine a rusty metal bowl dropped by obol oozes.)
EQ2i credits EQ2 ZAM for some of the info in this article. |
The author wishes to credit the EQ2MAP project. |