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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Jarsath Wastes
Introduced LU52
Journal Level 78 (Tier 8)
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Jarsath Wastes more
How to Start Hail Zixka Slizzis at the Upper Command Camp. ( -166, 53, 359 ) Copy
part of: The Order of Rime Timeline
Preceded by:
Followed by:
An Order to Hunt,
Elemental Difference

What does this information mean?


  • You must have at least -10,000 faction with the Legion of Danak before this quest will be offered. If you have never quested for this faction before, you can begin earing faction with the quest, Heads or Tales.


To receive the update for the following steps, you must click on the slain agent's corpse and slay the Rime hydrolated battler that spawns:

  1. Danak Agent Sorus: ( 330, -22, -606 ) Copy
  2. Danak Agent Xakiti: ( -108, -5, -1048 ) Copy
  3. Danak Agent Tepin: ( -338, 0, -1189 ) Copy
  4. Danak Agent Retssok: ( -636, -25, -1230 ) Copy
  5. Danak Agent Vinnisk: ( -355, -40, -808 ) Copy
  6. Danak Agent Hartax: ( -670, -129, -602 ) Copy
  7. Return to Zixka Slizzis at the Upper Command Camp.


  • At least 41g 63s 17c
  • Completing this quest gives +1000 faction with Legion of Danak