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EverQuest II Named Monster Information
Zone (Patch) Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf (Raid) (Renewal of Ro)
Race Dragon
Level 133▲▲▲ Tier 14 Epic x4
Location Hu Haket ( 130, 63, 1220 ) Copy EQ2MAP POI
Reported Drops none reported, try LootDB.
AA Exp Yes
Status Points unknown

What does this information mean?

Nirag the Boundless is a Tier 4 raid boss.


  • 123 Flurry Avoidance
  • 426 Ability Doublecast Avoidance
  • 9299 Resolve


  • This fight has a 45 minute time limit.
  • When Nirag is engaged, all remaining monsters on the island of Hu Haket join in the fight.
  • Nirag casts Memory Cinders II, a curable elemental that deals growing elemental damage over time.
  • Nirag casts Focused Strike, an incurable curse, on his target (usually the main tank). This curse instantly kills the target unless they have an elemental resist of 2,400,000 or higher.
  • When any player dies, Nirag gains one increment of Adrenaline Rush. In addition to the heal common to all raid bosses, Adrenaline Rush causes Nirag to ignore the main tank until it expires. During this time, the main tank cannot generate any threat at all, though other players (including other tanks) continue to generate hate as normal.
  • Meteor strikes occur across the entire island on regular intervals. Each strike is indicated by a glowing red circle. Any players within that circle at the time of the meteor strike is instantly killed. After the strike, a smaller red circle replaces it. Nirag heals significantly if he is allowed to stand within these smaller circles.
  • Additional drakes named a summoned indestructible force join the fight at regular intervals.
    • The drakes are initially immune to damage thanks to Boundless Protection. This buff can be dispelled by dragging the drake through one of the red circles left behind after a meteor strike.
    • The drakes carry a buff named Empowered Aggression, which causes the drake to share hate with Nirag. This can be dispelled with Absorb Magic.
  • Nirag casts a Barrage which can only be blocked with Bulwark of Order.
