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Nightshade's Furious Necklace [Rise of Kunark]
Item 3455
White Adornment Slot Green Adornment Slot 
35 Primary Attributes 34 Stamina
14 Combat Skills
4.1% Multi Attack
1.5% Crit Chance
0.6% Crit Bonus
3.1%  Potency
Slot Neck
Level 70 (Tier 8)
Obtain: This item is from A Packet of Equipment

\aITEM 1805591790 -907546551:Nightshade's Furious Necklace [Rise of Kunark]\/a \aITEM 1805591790 -907546551:Nightshade's Furious Necklace [Rise of Kunark]\/a
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