EverQuest 2 Wiki
EverQuest 2 Wiki

See also: Darklight Wood Timeline, Neriak Timeline

Unlike the other cities with their competing factions, Neriak, City of Hate is a city with a single purpose and hence a single faction, The City of Neriak. Instead of getting up to 4 quests at a time, one from each guild, you start with the Fighters of the Indigo Brotherhood and as you rise in the esteem of Neriak, you are sent on to progressively more demanding guild officials. Remember, personal glory is nothing compared to the destiny of Neriak, City of Hate!

Agents of Neriak (Fighters)[]

Kirak N'Tan

also known as "The Indigo Brotherhood"
Kirak N'Tan can be found outside the Seloxia Stronghold in Neriak, City of Hate-89, 15, 371 ) Copy. You may repeat any or all of his quests indefinitely, but he will give you his final quest when next you speak with him after making level 20.

Final: Slave to the Brotherhood (20) - sends you to Laexae K'Oziana

Agents of Neriak (Mages)[]

Laexae K'Oziana

Laexae K'Oziana

Ensorcelled stone

ensorcelled stone

Laexae K'Oziana (levels 20-25)

ensorcelled stone (levels 26-30)
You are required to perform these three tasks. You may do them in any order you choose.

When you reach level 30 the ensorcelled stone will send you back to Laexae.

She gives you a Polished Chain of The Spurned and some coin as reward for your service to The Spurned, and sends you to talk to Nathffyn Do'Vinitar at Spires of Innoruuk.

The Disciples of Innoruuk (Priests)[]

Nathffyn Do'Vinitar

Nathffyn Do'Vinitar

Nathffyn Do'Vinitar - Levels 30-35
You are offered your choice of 5 tasks, which are repeatable:

Eruvin T'Kix

Eruvin T'Kix

Eruvin T`Kix - Levels 36-40
You are offered your choice of 5 tasks, which are repeatable:

The Ebon Mask (Scouts)[]

Divimar G`Zule

Divimar G'Zule

Divimar G`Zule (levels 41-46) - on the second floor of the Hall of the Ebon Mask.
You are offered your choice of 6 tasks, which are repeatable:

Divimar G`Zule (level 46-50)

When you reach level 50 and have completed at least one of her writs:

Dead (Necromancers and Shadowknights)[]

Quevolg S'Torate (levels 51-55)[]

In the east courtyard of the palace

Offers tasks in Faydwer zones, all quests are in The Lesser Faydark:

Offers tasks in the Desert of Ro zones, all quests in the Living Tombs:

Transfer task is Unfaultering Allegiance (55)

Alakomph J'Xetar (levels 56-59)[]

In the east courtyard of the palace, near Quevolg S'Torate

Offers tasks in Faydwer zones, all quests are in the Lesser Faydark:

Offers tasks in the Desert of Ro zones, all quests in The Silent City:

X`Ta De'Xy'Lifor (levels 60-70)[]

In the east courtyard, behind the palace

Offers tasks in Faydwer zones:

Offers tasks in Kingdom of Sky zones:


Jayda V'Drel (levels 70 - 79)[]

Jaydra is on Dreg's Landing (the Kylong Plains dock) ( 890, 12, 233 ) Copy. Two tasks can be taken at a time.

Tasks in Kunark:

Moors of Ykesha[]

Armyna V'Threx (levels 76 - 79)[]

Armyna is on the Dropship Landing Zone, close to the cannon ( 1608, 452, 882 ) Copy

Tasks in Moors of Ykesha:


Kelinos Nurellin (levels 80 - 89)[]

Kelinos is on the balcony of the Hall of Necromancy in Paineel. ( 1702, -267, 3230 ) Copy You must do the quest Establishing a Basecamp before he will offer writs

Tasks in Odus:

Velious and Ethernere[]

Dalkina N'geth (85 - 90)[]

Dalkina is in Thurgadin, just outside The Velium Keg687, -312, 380 ) Copy

Tasks in Velious:

Shanea K'Xaal (90 - 95)[]

Shanea stands on the Thurgadin Harbor docks ( 1211, -533, 443 ) Copy

Tasks in Velious and Ethernere:
