EverQuest 2 Wiki

In-Game Necromancer Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Possess MinionAnimated DaggerParryingWild ChannelingImplodeAptitude of the TheurgistShadowstepCabalist's CoverMinion's ZealReanimateCabalist's AuraShockwavePerceptor's CommandPerceptor's BodyguardUnflinching ServantPerceptor's DefenseAnimist's TransferenceMinion's BarrierMinion's UproarAnimist BondAnimist's AptitudeMagic LeashMinion's WardingArcane MinionEmpower ServantFocused MinionElemental ToxicitySummoner AA Tree
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source Category:Summoner AAs

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In-Game Necromancer Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA

See here for Summoner AA's and here for necromancers shadow AA's

Enhance: Undead KnightEnhance: Necrotic ReconstructionEnhance: Chains of TormentEnhance: SoulrotEnhance: Grim SorcererEnhance: NightshadeEnhance: Dark HeartEnhance: Absorb MagicEnhance: Necromantic PactEnhance: BloodcoilEnhance: SummoningEnhance: Transfer LifeEnhance: Grasping BonesEnhance: FearEnhance: PandemicEnhance: Awaken GraveEnhance: Blighted HordeEnhance: Undead HordeEnhance: RevivicationEnhance: ConsumptionEnhance: Mortality MarkEnhance: Siphoning of SoulsEnhance: Bloody RitualOoze CrawlerBlood PactTainted HealsLifeburnSpirit of the UnderworldMinion's AdeptnessMinion's SoulstealingNoxious DebilitationConsuming VitalityNoxious BarrierAccelerated DecayNecromancer AA Tree
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source Category:Necromancer AAs

[AA tree is out of date (as of 5/27/2012)]

These are all the Shadows AAs accessible to the Necromancer subclass. The different Shadows lines are unlocked as follows:

*Note: Total points includes points spent in all tabs, including all the various lines of the Shadows tab. The required 10 points in the previous line do count towards the total.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Necromancer Shadows Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Pet of the GodsBountiful FeastAmple HarvestHearty ConstitutionSwift JourneyEnhanced MindSwift StridesSwift CreationRoot MasteryRunic ProtectionStrike of the MageEnhance: Master's StrikeArcane BarrierShadow StepArcane BewildermentMinion's ConstitutionMinion's Critical StrikePet Weapon MasterySummoner's SoothingDimensional StorageFocused DiscipleMinion's MarkMinion's PactShield of BonesNoxious CleansingArchlich's LifetapStench of BloodMacabreDisease MasteryWrath of the Undead ServantNecromancer Shadows AA
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source Category:Necromancer Shadows AAs

These are Heroic AAs that are common to Summoner subclasses.

The third line is unlocked by spending 20 points in first or second line and having 250 total points spent (over all tabs).

The forth line is unlocked by spending 48 points in first, second or third line and having 275 total points spent (over all tabs).

*Note: Total points includes points spent in all tabs, including all the various lines of the Heroic tab. The required points in the previous line do count towards the total.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Necromancer Heroic Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA
Attribute ProwessAbility ApitudeSpirit and BodyExpertiseCritical GeniusLightning ReflexesEnhance: Elemental ToxicityMinion's IntentMinion's PowerEthernere ResilienceEnergy ClashSoul BurnServant's InterventionSummoner Heroic AA
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source Category:Summoner Heroic AAs

These are Dragon AAs that are common to Necromancer.

The first ability in a tree has no requirements.
Each ability below that is unlocked by spending 1 point in the ability above it.
To unlock the last ability 30 points needs to spent in that line.

AA Tree[]

In-Game Necromancer Alternate Advancements Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each AA

source Category:Necromancer Dragon AAs

In-Game Necromancer Prestige Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each Prestige
These are Prestige that are common to Necromancer.

The abilities in the first line require level 90+.
The left or right line is unlocked by spending 6 points in the first line

Prestige Tree[]

Prestige 1Prestige 2Prestige 3Prestige 4Left 1Left 2Left 3Left 4Left 5Left 6Left 7Left 8Right 1Right 2Right 3Right 4Right 5Right 6Right 7Right 8Center 1Center 2Necromancer Prestige
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source Category:Necromancer Prestige

In-Game Necromancer Prestige Tree
Click the icons for more detailed info on each Prestige
These are Subclass Prestige that are common to Necromancer.

The first ability in a tree requires level 95+.
The abilties in the second line require 1 point spent in the first abiltiy.
The abilties in the third line require 5 points spent in the abiltiy before.
To unlock the last abilities 20 points needs to spent across line 1, 2, 3.

Prestige Tree[]

Shift of DeathEnhanced VigorGuarded AwarenessImbued SightAccuracy from StrengthUndeniable PowerPower from the SoulModified StrengthMystical RedirectionWeapon of the MindVitality to StrengthSkull FociiUnda Arcanus SpiritusNecromancer Class Prestige
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Shift of Death


Enhanced Vigor
Guarded Awareness
Imbued Sight
Accuracy from Strength
Undeniable Power
Power from the Soul
Wisdom Tree
Modified Strength
Mystical Redirection
Intelligence Tree
Weapon of the Mind
Vitality to Strength
Necromancer Prestige Endlines
Skull Focii
Unda Arcanus Spiritus
source Category:Necromancer Subclass Prestige
