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EverQuest II Achievement Information
Nathsarian Rambler
Category: Exploration

Subcategory: Rise of Kunark

Find the points of interest in the Fens of Nathsar.

Bathezid's Watch
Camp Kromdek
Dragon's Rest Shallows
Drogan Exile Camp
Field of Bone
Island of the Forgotten Ape
Jaled Dar's Remains
Kurn's Tower
Nurgan Mining Camp
Omen Falls
Omen's Call
Sarnshak Encampment
Sathir's Span
Sathirian Highway

Swamp of No Hope
The Bellywhumper Burrows
The Bonedigger Burrows
The Crystal Grove
The Eastern Pens of Riliss
The Iksar Bandit Camp
The Lake of Ill Omen
The Lake Ruins
The Mines of Nurga
The Rilissian Lowland
Ruins of Cabilis
The Sheet
The Spinebreaker
The Western Pens of Riliss

\aACH 1083191294:Nathsarian Rambler\/a \aACH 1083191294:Nathsarian Rambler\/a

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