EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category
Kunzar Jungle (AA )
Journal Level
76 (Tier 8 )
Journal Difficulty
Starting Zone
Kunzar Jungle more
How to Start
Examine a barrel of fish , found beneath the tower at the Order of Rime camp on the northern bank of Murkdweller's River . ( 686, -91, 570 ) Copy /waypoint 686.49, -90.77, 569.90
What does this information mean?
Prerequisites [ ]
Notes [ ]
Steps [ ]
Collect 10 kunzar scaleshredders . ( -166, -106, 448 ) Copy /waypoint -165.81, -105.97, 447.74
Place the kunzar scaleshredders in the barrel of fish. ( 686, -91, 570 ) Copy /waypoint 686.49, -90.77, 569.90
Speak to Thress Kivatei . ( 683, -91, 571 ) Copy /waypoint 683.44, -90.77, 571.09
Rewards [ ]