What does this information mean?
Brumley suggested placing a monitoring device near each of the areas where the immolated are known to be, to alert him to any unusual activity. Unfortunately he's run out of supplies... so he asked if I could make the gadgets.
Steps [ ]
Create 5 tinkered monitoring devices at a workbench using the Tinkered Monitoring Devices recipe provided.
Mass production doesn't update the quest.
The nearest workbench is down a few steps from Brumley at ( -70, 12, 173 ) Copy /waypoint -70.08, 11.50, 173.42 .
Place monitoring gadgets in the areas scanned previously.
Monitor the sealed door near the Alcove of Reason ( -65, 10, 119 ) Copy /waypoint -64.68, 9.69, 118.72 .
Monitor the sealed door in the north of the Sublevel Access Antechamber ( -115, 1, -42 ) Copy /waypoint -114.65, 1.36, -42.15 .
Monitor the sealed door in the south of the Sublevel Access Antechamber ( -116, 1, 42 ) Copy /waypoint -115.82, 1.36, 41.51 .
Monitor the sealed door near the Mushroom Bar and Grill ( -44, -4, 40 ) Copy /waypoint -43.52, -4.22, 40.10 .
Back in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep : Monitor the entrance to the Glittervein Depths where Brytthel was injured ( 523, 131, 432 ) Copy /waypoint 523, 131, 432 .
Return to Brumley Langboom in Maldura
Needed Materials [ ]
Rewards [ ]