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EverQuest II Item Information
Mistmyrian Soulcube
Item 1211
An archaic cube of mysterious power.
Flurry of Souls
Charges Unlimited
Casting 1 second
Duration 1 hour 40 minutes
Recast 2 seconds
Level 1 (Tier 1)
  • Applies Flurry of Souls when Activated.
    • An intervening force that disables some powerful magics.
    • The wand has no effect on that target.
    • Your target must be energized by arcane powers.
Obtain: From the Exquisite Chest of Tairiza the Widow Mistress in The Tomb of Thuuga.

\aITEM 215030158 -1372861575:Mistmyrian Soulcube\/a \aITEM 215030158 -1372861575:Mistmyrian Soulcube\/a
What does this information mean?


  • This item is used against Venril Sathir in Venril Sathir's Lair. When Venril is at approximately 65% health, he will begin to cast a spell and using the Mistmyrian Soulcube interrupts this. If not interrupted, it the spell will kill everyone in the raid.

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