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Mirror of Reflected Achievements (house)

Nice particle effect on it too

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EverQuest II Item Information
Type: House Item
Mirror of Reflected Achievements
Use this item to store an achievement profile.
Rent Status
Obtain: Unpack a Packed Mirror of Reflected Achivements that is Artisan-crafted using a level 75 recipe from Reflections of the Grandmasters.

\aITEM 115435505 499988245:Mirror of Reflected Achievements\/a \aITEM 115435505 499988245:Mirror of Reflected Achievements\/a
What does this information mean?


Due to changes made to Alternate Advancement with LU67 this mirror is no longer needed to switch between AA specs. Players now have access to several AA builds from within the AA window and can switch between them easily, and almost anywhere, using new elements added to the AA window. As of December 2014 the recipe has been removed from "Reflections of the Grandmasters" recipe book.

  • This item can be used to store one alternate advancement (AA) profile at a time. It allows you to change between two profiles, e.g. one for solo play and one for group play, thus allowing you to swap between a stored profile and your active profile.
  • If you are not a high level artisan, you can use the consignment system to have another artisan craft it for you into your inventory.
  • When you load a profile, your current profile is always saved on the mirror.

Example use[]

Action Profile on Mirror Profile on character
1. Respec your alternate advancements. No profile No profile
2. Spend one advancement point, creating setup "Zero" (A). No profile "Zero" (A)
3. Store this setup to the mirror. "Zero" (A) "Zero" (A)
4. Spend all your AA points to create a setup "Solo" (B). "Zero" (A) "Solo" (B)
5. Load "Zero" (A) setup from mirror. Setup "Solo" (B) is saved on mirror and replaces "Zero" (A). "Solo" (B) "Zero" (A)
6. Spend all your AA points to create a setup "Group" (C). "Solo" (B) "Group" (C)
7. Load "Solo" (B) setup from mirror. Setup "Group" (C) is saved on mirror and replaces "Solo" (B). "Group" (C) "Solo" (B)

You can now switch your active setup between "Solo" (B) and "Group" (C) at any time.
If you want to create and store a new setup from zero AA points, you need to respec at an Advancement Counsel (or by using a respec card) and start over with Step 1.
