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EverQuest 2 Quest Information
Journal Category Tradeskill  (AA)
Introduced The Shadow Odyssey
Journal Level Scales with player level
Journal Difficulty Solo
Starting Zone Moors of Ykesha more
How to Start Hail Alden Strongaxe at The Overlook-1117, -104, -271 ) Copy
part of: Moors of Ykesha Timeline
Preceded by:
Ship Out
Followed by:
Fighting Swamp Foot,
Berry Good, Sir,
Buckle Down,
Rest for the Weary,
Shards of Luclin

What does this information mean?


(This NPC is often bugged and partially stuck in the ground. To get around this type /target Alden and then type /hail Alden and he'll pop up onto the table so you can complete this step Ship Out)

  1. Scribe the received recipe book Alden’s Axe-Strong Brew Recipe and craft 200 Barrels of Alden’s Axe-Strong Brew
  2. Return to Alden

